Organic gardener growing food and flowers, lovin' pollinators and birds.

It's dry and windy

So windy, in fact, that my greenhouse blew over today in the driveway. It was a horrible feeling when I pulled into the driveway and saw it upside down. The casualities? Agertum seedlings I had just started to harden off, broccoli seedlings, onion seedlings, and lettuce and spinach sprouts. I'm hoping the plants put up a fight, despite the harsh treatment. I planted the majority of the onion and broccoli seedlings today after the spill, since I figured they were already shocked, might as well transplant them. (*Fingers crossed*) And now there are bricks on every shelf of the greenhouse, hopefully to prevent such awfulness in the future.

I was surprised today when I went to direct sow seeds of radish and swiss chard just how dry the soil has become. According to, our state is in a moderate drought right now. Crumbling the soil in my hand, I understood how soil erosion could take place. How literally your best soil could just blow away. It's a scary thought. I've been thinking and reading a lot more lately about what we're doing to our planet, and it makes me want to take "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carlson out of the library and read it. And all those predictions about global warming seem to be climaxing all at once- with a warmer (then ever?) March and a spring at least three weeks ahead of schedule, with everything being either genetically modified or sprayed with pesticides... it's depressing, and I'm beginning to believe this is how we'll become extinct as a species.

But enough of that depressing talk.  (I won't even go into the disappointment I felt when I saw a hawk had captured a squirrel. There was one at the feeders for the last few months that has some sort of spine injury because he has trouble walking, but he acts like a squirrel in every other way. I've grown to like him, and I'm hoping it wasn't him today.)

In good news, the tulips are blooming, and more daffodils seem to have appeared as well. I guess I didn't lose as many as I had thought. (Pictures to come.)

Oh! And of course, since I bought pea seedlings last week and started more indoors, the ones that I direct sowed on March 19 are starting to come up. Looks like we'll have more than enough this spring after all.

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