Frau Zinnie

Organic gardener growing food and flowers, lovin' pollinators and birds.

The monarchs are back - making this growing season one of the earliest appearances since I started keeping track in 2017.  Usually I do not ...
MEDIA MENTIONS HGTV: " Grow Native Plants for a Bird-Friendly Garden ", by Lynn Coulter. Whether you've got a big garden, a s...
Join Jen McGuinness on tour for Bird-Friendly Gardening Westbrook Book Festival June 8, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Reading at 1 p.m. Host...
When I moved in to my first home, I was so eager to start creating my backyard garden. I knew from talking with the former owner that our pr...
May rushes in with blooming tulips and daffodils. The peonies are starting to bud, the milkweed is poking up out of the ground, and the Kwan...
  As it begins to grow, rhubarb will benefit from a top-dressing of well-aged manure. The growing season is officially underway, with snapdr...
Looking for a quick way to identify native vs. non-native celandine in your garden? The easiest way to spot the difference is in the flower....
In the Northeast, gardeners are always pushing the limits.  This is especially true in early spring, when temperatures can fluctuate wildly,...
  Bird-Friendly Gardening  is officially available in print and as an eBook!  You can access the full list of booksellers here .  What peopl...
In just a little more than a month, "Bird-Friendly Gardening" will finally be published! Sometimes in the publishing industry, shi...
It's no secret that snowdrops ( Galanthus ) are some of my favorite flowers, and I find that I need them especially in late winter when ...
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