What will you do to improve your garden space this year?
Every year I dream big, but time and money often get in the way of my good intentions.
So I've narrowed it down to the top three goals I want to achieve this year.
Incorporate more native plants
Many native plants have co-evolved with the surrounding area to support insects and birds. When choosing plants, pick ones that will not only provide food (such as hosting insects or producing berries) but also shrubs, grasses and trees that will provide cover and potential nesting areas.
Pick some petals
I am famous for not wanting to pick any of the flowers I grow outside - partially because I feel like I am stealing food from the pollinators. So this year, I'm going to devote an area of my garden (or driveway) where I can grow flowers with the purpose of being cut and brought inside. I really do enjoy making flower arrangements, or just having a few pretty flowers in a vase, so I need to follow through on this!
Grow some food
Notice I didn't say grow all the food. But I do want to focus on growing a selection of high-performing edibles that will provide some food to supplement our grocery runs. I'm still narrowing down the choices, but I'm trying not to fall into the trap of growing edibles that look pretty but I would never eat. (Looking at you, radishes.)
If you had to narrow down your goals to just three things, what would they be? Let me know in the comments!
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