Organic gardener growing food and flowers, lovin' pollinators and birds.

Book news!

In just a little more than a month, "Bird-Friendly Gardening" will finally be published! Sometimes in the publishing industry, shipping delays happen, which is why this book was pushed out to April 2024.

Thank you to everyone who has preordered a copy - some who preordered almost a year ago! 🥰 I can't wait to have it in my hands, and I hope you feel that way, too!

TO CELEBRATE: I am working on some preorder goodies as a thank you gift to everyone who has preordered a copy of the book so far! (Hint: It's two of my favorite things!) If you preorder direct through River Bend Bookshop, the thank you gift will be included with your book order. If you preordered from Amazon, Barnes & Noble or any other book seller, send me a screenshot of your preorder confirmation to my jen (at) email, along with a mailing address, and I'll send that thank you present your way! 😘

Here's the link to preorder a copy from all the major booksellers if you haven't ordered a copy and want to!

I'll share more of what this thank you present includes when all the pieces and parts have arrived (ETA March 1)! 🐦


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